National Ranking Contributors - DV1WS - Details

University Of Pennsylvania NCAA

Name Place Bracket Points
January NAC
Blum, Leah 75 1128 -
Andres, Katherine 77 1128 -
Li, Amanda 80 1128 -
October NAC
Andres, Katherine 45 164 88.0
Blum, Leah 55 164 78.0
Li, Amanda 75 1128 -
National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals)
Andres, Katherine 28 132 295.0
Blum, Leah 63 164 70.0
Li, Amanda 98 1128 -
Division 1/Parafencing National Championships + April NAC
Andres, Katherine 28 132 295.0
Li, Amanda 75 1128 -